Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Curriculum Vitae:
07/2013 | Doctor of Economics (Dr. rer. oec.) at University of Duisburg-Essen. Thesis title: Identifikation von Influentials in virtuellen sozialen Netzwerken: Eine agentenbasierte Modellierung und Simulation sozialer Beeinflussungsprozesse. |
since 04/2008 | Research Assistant at the University of Duisburg-Essen at the Chair of Marketing (Prof. Dr. Jost Adler) |
02/2008 - 03/2008 | Senior Consultant at Comebis GmbH in the expertises of IT-Management Consulting and Projectmanagement |
12/2006 - 01/2008 | Consultant (Analyst) at Accenture in the expertises of Systems Integration and IT-Architecture / -Infrastructure |
08/2006 | Diploma in Management Information Systems, subject of the thesis was "Analysis and Evaluation of Software-Applications for IT-Governance" |
10/2001 - 07/2006 | Studies in Management Information Systems at the University of Duisburg-Essen |
06/2001 | University entrance qualification |
Fields of Research:
- Multi-Agend based models / Systems in marketing
- Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Equity
- Product Adoption and Diffusion
- Social Network Analysis / Structural Equation Modelling
- Ahlf, Henning: Identification of Influentials in Virtual Social Networks: An Agent-Based Simulation, 35th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, 01.01.2013, Istanbul, Türkei. Details
- Ahlf, Henning; Klein, Andreas: Die Beziehung zwischen Aktivität und Struktur in sozialen Netzwerken, 3. Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Eventforschung, 01.01.2011, Chemnitz. Details
- Research seminar marketing
- Empircal Research Methods
- Marketing & Management Science